Pacific Property Consultants has been supporting "Green" building practices for over 25 years, and has been involved in the development and promotion of efficient building technologies. In 1989 PPC's President Stan Luhr served as a technical member of the CHEERS program, which developed the nation's very first Home Energy Rating System now emulated by dozens of states. He has been involved with the EPA and DOE programs such as LEED, Building America and the Builder's Challenge, participating in think tanks and sharing technical information which has helped these programs deliver high quality homes that are safer, more durable and energy-efficient than ever before.
Luhr was instrumental in advising the Department of Energy that the old model of promoting energy efficiency was broken, and that their focus should be on delivering a quality product that just happens to be a highly efficient building. He lectured extensively at Affordable Comfort, EEBA and even created elaborate mock trials of a construction defect case which was highly praised by participants. It took years, but stakeholders listened and have modified many energy programs to include very specific performance-based quality criteria, with an emphasis on delivering consistent and reliable construction process results. Now, programs such as Builder's Challenge and others sponsored by DOE incorporate specific scopes of work, quality initiatives and other processes that promote quality.
Today there is a myriad of energy programs, many with conflicting and arbitrary rules affecting how a home is to be built. Pacific Property Consultants understands the jungle and is keenly aware of the litigation threats posed by non-compliance with these measures, as well as the newly enacted California Green Building Code, which sets unprecedented requirements on new construction. If you are involved in a claim involving "Green" technology negligence or building performance issues, trust us to assist you with your claim. Pacific Property Consultants has performed hundreds of building diagnostic tests and we have the blower door, infra-red cameras, duct blasters and flow hoods to test any size project. Call us for more details.